experience a more balanced way of living today.
Reiki is a Japanese technique of energy healing used to reduce stress and promote relaxation and healing. The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words - Rei which means "higher power" and Ki which means "life force energy". Reiki is "spiritually guided life force energy." Life force energy flows through all living things and when our energy is low or blocked in certain areas of our body (otherwise known as chakras) we are likely to feel sick and/or stressed. However, when life force energy is higher and flowing more freely we are more likely to feel healthy and happy!
During a session, Reiki Master Bo will invite you to have tea and reflect on your body, mind and spirit. She will then do an intuitive chakra assessment accompanied by pendulum and then proceed to channel reiki to the recipient in a calm and peaceful environment.
This healing method is extremely beneficial for anyone as it can help ease pain, induce better sleep, reduce stress and divulge a deeper spiritual connection.